Welcome in the Hungarian Paragliding World 
2024 course for begginer continuously, all year round, even in winter. You can join any time. up to your free time.
2024 autumn course 09.07.2024.-December 2024.
Intensive course 8-12 days (depend from your skill). In all year!
A short film over the paragliding course, lets check it!
Tandem Paragliding 24 500 HUF/person for 2 person 39 500 HUF with one pilot !!!
Can be purchased in person ( call me or write a mail ) or in the form of electronic coupons .
place of course
cell: +36 20 251 56 42
email: herknerzsolt@gmail.com
I want to be Your Sky guide!
Herkner Zsolt paraglider, instructor, tandem pilot
Instruction in English and German language
Nowadays everybody can fly, just get out from the sofa and learn how to fly!
This is a young sport, what became popular in the 80s after long experimentation. People can take his wing on his back to the peak and from there they fly free with the winds. It is possible make cross-country tours (100-200km distance) from the take-off places absolutely free like the birds from year millions, or make acrobatic flight; it depends just on your habit. The paragliding is the most free form to fly. Today the technic is absolutely perfect, and gives safety flight experience for the paraglider pilot. After the compilation of equipment, you can pull with the lines your wing over your head, and take just few steps and you are in the airspace. All-round over and over you can flight with the thermals (rising air currents), to the clouds, over mountains, lakes, towns. Landing is also relative simple: you just have to navigating over the landing area, and after the approach from the final gliding soft touch the ground. Paragliding gives you every time new experiences discovering the nature; get to know interesting people and things. The paragliding today is the most known form of aviation all-round the world.
- Basic course ( beginner )
- Intensíve basic course (beginner )
- Advenced course
- Restart course
- Ground handling
- Basic Acrobatix
- Basic XC
Basic course
We start from the beginning. Describing of equipment, operating principle, basic elements. I show you the training field, and we discuss the conditions of meteorology. Using special practice, step by step, we are going to perfecting the start and landing technics. On the first day you are able short gliding from the hill if the condition of meteorology allows. You will get the theory cours too.
During the course you will learn every parts of the equipment, the knack of aeronautics, the rules of aerodinamics in the practice, the mysteries of meteorology, the airspaces, the rules of air traffic.
During the cours we’ll give you a full equipment: wing, harness with protector, what you need to bring: helmet ( what you use for bicycle, ski, snowboard, bmx are perfect too ), glows, hiking shoes, comfortable clothing, determination, courage, good pleasure.
After learning the take-off and landing technic we’ll start the flying. We train gradually, you will learn at the first how to turne and landing to the target landing area. When you practice well, we will go to the higher take-off places to the mountains about 10-12 times. The courses are personalised for your free time, skill and style.
After the successfully completed course you’ll get the international licence ParaPro3 what is valid allaround the world.
The adventure is waiting for you!
Price: 600 EUR or daly price 50 EUR (new)
Contact: herknerzsolt@gmail.com
Zsolt Herkner paraglider instructor, tandempilot
Intensive course
Takes about 7-10 days. When you have free time for a week or a little bit more, this course is the best choice for you. This training is very effective, and get you out from the daily rush, it is like a vacation. We’ll travelling to where the condition of meteorology the most perfect is to practice groundhandling, start maneuvers and flying. The method of the intensive course is the same what we are using for basic course.
Price: 600 EUR or daly price 50 EUR (new)
Contact: herknerzsolt@gmail.com
Zsolt Herkner paraglider instructor, tandempilot
Open day
A full day with practice and flying. You learn the basics of paragliding, in safety, with guidance of instructor. You can try to control it, handle a paraglider, get answers to your questions. You can do in less flight from 10-30m hight hills, and you can test flying experience with a professional tandem pilot.
If you decide to like it and would like to attend a course, the open day fee will be deducted from the cost of the course.
All day program in the Budai-hegység ( in the Mountains of Budapest ), or in the Pils ( 2o km from Budapest ). Open days constantly start, appointment in email or call.
Price: 50 EUR
+36 20 251 56 42
Herkner Zsolt instructor, tandempilot
Advanced course
Advanced course, Flight technic, Cross-country, Safety, Acro
Condition of participation in the course is Parapro 3 rating ( min. ParaPro 2 in this fall You need a special test flight ( if somebody came out from the practice, we’ll based to the course ) Everybody get an individual training to His /Her style and knowledge, and get the special task, and level of task. What does this mean exactly? Usually after the basic course the cadets knows the simple maneuvers, but someone are ready to learn more complicated maneuvers too; like the thermic or distance flight. In the first fall you don’t have to worry about it, everybody can do it. You can obtain knowledge and the experience too with us.
The course is continuous during the season, you can join all the time.
We always check the condition of weather, utilize every possibility for education, to fly, weekend or weekday too, so you can adapt easy to the structure of course.
You’ll recognize the technic of high take-off: when you should leave, from where, what technic you have to use in the different situation like in strong wind, light wind ore in calm.
You’ll got experience in the soaring, how you can turning after turning get higher and higher, achieve the best position over the mountain, in the daily weather condition. You’ll learning flying together with the other pilots, observe their and other signals, what helps you stay in the lifting map longer and safety.
You’ll learn flying in thermal, where and when can you catch the thermal, how you can stay in the thermal and rising to the clouds, recognize the feeling of the real soar unlimited, consciously, under your control.
Criteria of participant
- paraglider in good condition, with technical license
- harness with protector in good condition
- reserve system (covered from this year )
- personal protect equipment’s ( helm, sunglasses, shoe, closed clothes gloves )
When it is necessary we’ll observe your paraglider, and we give official suitability certification. We can covering your parachute together.
- Age: min 14 years old
- min ParaPro 2 rating
The Advanced Course includes 
- Minimum 10 full day practice, and theory, including:
- soaring 30-60min endurance of flight next to the mountain
- advanced practices of flight technic, (instabil situations, length, cross, and side )
- soaring next to the mountain + thermal flight
- thermal flight
- cross country flight
- strong wind, light wind and flight in calm
- independent flight planning, implementation
- flight in turbulent condition
- top landing
- events, danger of meteorology recognition in praxis
- perfect knowledge of equipment, type of examination
- take off place-, topography knowledge
- aerospace knowledge in practice
- instrument usage
- nature protection
- theory
After the successful advanced course you ‘ll get ParPro 4 rating, this allows you flying around the world alone, separate from instructor.
The advanced course doesn't include but it is useful, the Safety training. There you can face danger situations in the practice, under the control of instructor. The training takes place over water ( lake or see ), with rescue boat.
Price: 600 EUR
+36 20 251 56 42
Herkner Zsolt instructor, tandempilot
Basic safety training 
- theory preparation
- simulation
- rescue system knowledge
- spiral, 45°, descending spiral
- intense instable situations
- stall points symmetric, stall point asymmetric
- front stall
- side collapse , immediately opened, keep down with control of direction
- B-stall
- twist
Price: 400 EUR ( 3 flyday ) + trip cost
Advanced safety training
- full stall
- negative turn, exit with full stall, exit without full stall
Price: 400 EUR ( 3 flyday ) + tour cost
Basic acro
- Wingover
- asymmetric spiral
- Looping
- Dinamic Fullstall
Price: 1 200 EUR